Nashville Children's Choir Concert

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Welcome to the Nashville Children's Choir

The Nashville Children’s Choir (NCC) is a regional choir program for young singers that is committed to the rehearsal and performance of quality choral music in a positive and affirming setting.

The NCC program includes four sequenced choirs for choristers in grades 2 through 12 (Preparatory Choir, Concert Choir, Touring Choir, and the Nashville Youth Choir). The choirs are in residence at Belmont University and are part of Belmont Academy, a pre-college music program. More

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I am deeply honored and proud to continue in the role of Program Director for the Nashville Children’s Choir. My greatest joy within this responsibility comes from supporting our gifted directors, aiding them in bringing their visions to life. Through the hard work and synergy of this talented team, the NCC can cultivate an environment that enriches the lives of our choristers and faithfully represents our remarkable Nashville community.

Tyler Merideth

NCC Program Director & Youth Choir Director

I am excited for another great season with the Nashville Children’s Choir.

As Artistic Director, I look forward to the collaboration with the new and returning staff, meeting new choristers and families, as well as building on the relationships with our many returning choristers. Singing in a unified voice with the person beside you is a beautiful thing. That is what is uniquely special about being a part of a choir.

I am grateful for the opportunity to be in partnership with Belmont Academy and the Belmont University School of Music. We want NCC to be a place where students can be challenged musically, while always feeling welcomed and cared for. Together we will live out the mission to rehearse and perform quality choral music in a positive and affirming setting.
James Wells

NCC Artistic Director & Touring Choir Director

Having worked with second graders through adult choristers, I’ve found a passion for working with students at the beginning of their choral journey. My hope is to help young singers find their community and with it, a lifelong love of the choral arts.

Mary Bond

Concert Choir Director

With the return of a new season, and the addition of a fourth choir, I so look forward to what NCC is going to accomplish this year. I feel blessed to be surrounded by returning and new faces, and I’m excited to collaborate with such remarkable musicians within NCC, including our choristers! I’m consistently inspired by our students and their passion, creativity, and curiosity surrounding the music we make. As a Belmont Alum, I feel proud to come back to campus every Monday and teach the next generation of great musicians. Here’s to a great season— let’s do this!

Samantha Altmann

Touring Choir Assistant Conductor & Social Media Director

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The PREPARATORY CHOIR, an entry-level choir for the young singer, includes students who have the ability to match pitch and have a desire to learn more about singing. They will improve their unison singing skills and begin singing two parts. Score reading is introduced, as well as solfege and rhythmic reading. The Preparatory Choir performs at the December and Spring concerts both separately and jointly with the other NCC choirs.



The CONCERT CHOIR includes choristers who exhibit ability and willingness to sing and who need additional singing experience and vocal training to become part of the more advanced Touring Choir. Children at this level have demonstrated a beginning ability to sing in parts. Note reading and basic score reading are emphasized. The Concert Choir performs at the December and Spring concerts both separately and jointly with the other NCC choirs.



The TOURING CHOIR includes pre-high school choristers with advanced vocal and note reading ability. When a child can sing comfortably in parts, is becoming proficient in vocal technique, and shows evidence of music reading skill, he or she will be eligible for the Touring Choir. The Touring Choir literature is more difficult than repertoire performed by the Preparatory and Concert Choirs, and a greater emphasis is placed on foreign language literature, advanced vocal technique, and accelerated music reading skills. The Touring Choir performs in December and Spring concerts, takes an annual extended weekend spring tour and participates in numerous other performances throughout Middle Tennessee.



The NASHVILLE YOUTH CHOIR is a mixed choir of grades 9-12 and changed male voices. This choir builds on the foundation of the younger choirs and performs three and four-part literature.  Through a foundation of a cappella literature Youth Choir members gain experience in independence of singing. Emphasis is placed on the ability to hold pitch, unsupported by an instrument, and to develop an ensemble sound through uniformity of vowels and tone production. The Youth Choir performs at the December and Spring concerts both separately and jointly with the other NCC choirs.