Peace On Earth: Spring Tour
Our Spring Tour, entitled Peace on Earth, was a memorable and enriching experience for both the choristers and their audiences alike.
The tour began in our hometown of Nashville with a visit to a senior community. We then traveled to Atlanta, Georgia and Chattanooga, Tennessee. The choristers performed at various venues, such as churches, adult day care facility and another retirement community, sharing their musical talents and spreading joy and peace through their beautiful voices.
The choir members would had the opportunity to immerse themselves in different cultures, meet new people, and learn about the history and traditions of the places they visited. During their downtime, the choristers were able to bond with each other through group activities, such as sightseeing, playing games, a variety show, and rehearsing.
The choir tour would culminated in a joint rehearsal and performance with the Chattanooga Boys Choir, where the audience was be moved by the choir’s beautiful harmonies and the choristers felt tremendous camaraderie through the shared gift of music.
Overall, the tour was an incredible opportunity for the young singers to broaden their horizons, make lifelong memories, and share expressions of peace and love of music with people both young and old from our surrounding communities.